Monday, June 18, 2007

How long has it been?

Wow, I can't believe it's been over a month since the last post! Kelli and I have been crazy busy. We've been doing some show entries - I had a piece accepted to Gainesville's Thomas Center for the Arts Regional Exhibition coming up in July. This is the first show entry for one of my Cavern pieces and I'm very happy to have it accepted. We also got a new book proposal submitted and there'll be more info on that topic coming soon. We had a very successfull workshop on using acrylic texture gels. I'm absolutely addicted to playing with these mediums. They are so much fun. I've been painting instead of posting. As soon as I get a couple of these converted to jpg's I'll post them so you can see what I've been up to. Kelli and I are also members of Out of Hand Artists and we're having our first group show at the Bank of America in downtown Ocala. We'll post more details soon. Almost is the launch day for our new website. It's an online portfolio. Visit us at

Choose Happiness,

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