Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Party Party

Once again we had a great time at the Friday Night Painting Party and we want to welcome two new folks... Parris and Marilyn. Our group of party people is expanding! This time we continued with the holiday theme in the Poinsettia painting. If you couldn't make it to the class but really wanted to do this painting you can pick up a kit for $10 that includes a 12x12 stretched canvas that's prepped with the line drawing, a color copy of the painting for reference and a list of painting instructions. Just comment here and let me know.

busy, busy
ready for the holidays 

So, what's happening next? The November Painting Party won't be on the last Friday of the month like we usually do since I'll be out of town that week but we will have the party the following week on December 7th. We won't be doing a party at the end of December because we figure you all would be partied out by then so Dec. 7th will be the last one for the year. We'll pick them up again at the end of January.

This is what we'll be painting in December.....

Red Canoe

Don't wait too long to reserve your seat since space is limited. Happy painting everyone!

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